Saturday, November 20, 2010


Oh goodness, what to do!

I was saving up for a new old one is 5+ years old now, and showing its age.


My dream bicycle is on sale.

So the question becomes: do I treat myself to an early Christmas present with my cash, or go ahead and buy the bike? It's not like I actually need either of them, but boy do I want them both.


  1. Amanda, I don't think you're going to really notice the difference between 26" and 20" wheels, at least I didn't with the Eco 3. Can you compromise on the computer. My husband purchased by Dell Studio 15 three years ago and I love it but it's loaded with many features that I rarely, if ever, use. On the other hand, he bought a Dell Mini last year for less than half the price and it does virtually everything he needs, including blogging. Of course, if you have your heart set on an Mac, then . . . . a tough decision.

    Good luck. Setting limits in the "how many bikes does a girl really need to own" department is proving harder for me than originally anticipated.

  2. Oh, that's wonderful to hear! I was a little worried as I am a small gal--riding a smaller bike made me a bit nervous!

    Unfortunately, I play a lot of computer games, which every year need more memory & graphics to play... but if it comes down to either computer or bicycle, I'm definitely going for bicycle!

    I never expected to be addicted to bikes, did you? LOL
