Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Biking to Better Health

We had a health screening at work today, which I generally take part in because it saves me money off of my health insurance.

Since my health screening last year I've changed very little: I'm a big fan of eating junk, and that continues to be my largest problem. I'm not fond of fruits & veggies, I eat way too many big, greasy hamburgers, and I am known to drink Dr. Pepper like a fiend.

The only thing that's really changed is that I a) started riding my bike to work more and b) bought the "errand" bike for quick trips to the store, etc.

Granted, I've never really had a problem with my weight, but: my weight's gone down, my BMI is lower, and the only thing I can attribute this to is bicycling.

That certainly provides a little more incentive for me to train for the MS 150, too!

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