The bad news: Texas still ranks #41. On bike to work day I had a car pull up next to me and honk for no reason except, apparently, to see if he could get me to react. A friend had a truck pass him, pull in the bike lane, and suddenly stop just to try & make him crash. A cyclist in Alice was hit Wednesday and left on the road.
Do I deny that there are cyclists who don't follow the rules as they should? Definitely not; they are, in fact, one of the main reasons I usually ride alone.
But I beg drivers to think of it this way: if I'm on a bike, it means I'm not another car on the road. It means less traffic, so you get where you're going faster--and without speeding! What safety for cyclists really means is safety for everyone.
But I beg drivers to think of it this way: if I'm on a bike, it means I'm not another car on the road. It means less traffic, so you get where you're going faster--and without speeding! What safety for cyclists really means is safety for everyone.
Also: It's 2MC season again! I've kicked it off with 16 miles the first week, hoping to bike more this weekend!